Another end of another era. B4 I get into this topic rant here, I want to relate why I did not go to Church today, but a refreshing visit from there of .
I did engineering work on the console as well as up at our transmitter site at 10 degrees above zero. By the time light came to the sky above Evanston, my fingers were frozen, my lungs were in pain, and still much of the transmitter work needs to be done, just waiting on parts.
Second reason and maybe just as much important, last week due to it being Mothers Day, we only went to sacrament meeting and dismissed. I remember when it was that way in itself. We met early morning for Sunday School, then broke went home chowed down or up to Bliss for eats, then back to Sacrament meeting. A time forgotten, but should not be put away. Of course the Church wasn’t as big then, although big enough. Wards were not split into two wards. Hazzard(Hagerman) Idaho’s Ward was just that the Hazzard Ward, there was not Ward 1 and two. We met in one building, sure there was records that were mixed up, sure I progressed up the ladder of the Priesthood, to Elder right before the Marines came calling, but my specialty or chosen field had opened up and it was go now or forget it or have to wait longer. So I went. Over those years Bishops, Ward Clerks and one Bishop who I had arrested several times his son, for DUI and drug related offenses, although misdemeanors and probation followed, still that Bishop was sore and well records disappear. Should be like that but it is, and was. Hey they’re only human. Hazzard back then was much like Evanston today, although Hazzard the township has 1,500 people in it while Evanston has 14,000 in it population wise, had the have’s and have nots. More over the area royalty. Those not of those families were the have nots and the ones in those or part of those families were the have’s . Evanston is not unique, but certainly one of the biggest, clannish , cliquish towns I have ever resided in, there’s not much living. Living has to do with experiencing joy, remembering good times, I do but those times are nearly 13 and 8 years respectively long years ago. Today its hardly that. True the oil prices dropping , and the gas wells nearly untouched and all is part of it. Hazzard experienced this as well. When Bell Rapids went bankrupt, and wind farming became the industry, many jobs and economic dependent needs were lost, it too cried foul. Thing is Hazzard decided to get back in the fight, and is winning . Evanston just decided to take a powder and will not wake up to doing something else. On the license plate frame on the front of my LexiBelle, it proudly says a line from one of the episodes of the Dukes, that was said by Waylon, on the episode of the Christmas edition, that said, “Hey don’t laugh, if it could happen it will happen in Hazzard County”. And for those wondering why I don’t just go back there, its mostly emotional, I can’t live there knowing the home my mom and Dad and I built there is being occupied by someone else. That said, I am in Evanston, and if by some miracle and I might just BE that miracle, or at least the Knytes, BE that miracle, to save it from its egotistic self, then so be it. Evanston is what could be a unearthed treasure. The town sits just and hour 30 minutes from Metro Utah, without Utah’s taxation problems, and certainly regulatory restrictions. Yet it sucks off the hind teat of Utah. Dang it this is Wyoming, a pioneering state where western traditions should be heralded not subdued. I saw a thing on my Facebook page that was about some Army Reserve lady’s home being vandalized. Perhaps if the powers that be would allow a more open arms to the Knytes-of-Anarchy that kind of thing most likely would not happen, as Knytes keeps out riff raff, and solves many problems. Thing is, the local powers that be pee’s on the Knytes and says not here. Someone asked me that last week at Church, Why here? My response was, Why not here? Which is clouding my judgment and decision making these days. I think just fold up the tents and go to a richer territory, like Burley, or American Falls, or even Tooele Utah. Then in the same thought I say damn it, if we don’t do this here, who will? Some of those prominent families could be contributing to the wellness of HazzardAyre Radio, by buying ad time on the network. I know that Welling Ford spends at least %5k a month in ad time in the paper and Utah based media, I know that City Drug spends mighty dollars on paper ads, why not spend at least $200.00 a month each on HazzardAyre Radio. Our reach is not just local its world wide? Yet not even in a twitch. One of those is part of our Ward, knowing I’m hurting for reliable transportation, and owning a major car dealership, can’t they make an exception and locate a very used but solid ride I could buy on time? But they don’t even bother.
But enough of my sour grapes.
Watched the series finale of Madmen, not bad but it left a bunch of loose ends and ended with the old Coke ad, done for Christmas in 1972. I was not much into this series so I’m a bad person to even comment on it although the series marathon over the last two weeks I’ve gotten more in tune with it. Anything that allows me to relive some times of my youth and takes me back before the tragedies that I have lived through I’m watching and get involved with. The rumor mill has it that the series was canned due to the producers and some star players wanted more dollars than Turner owners of AMC, was willing to pay so the axe dropped.
See you all on the radio Monday night, at 23:00
Quote of the Day:
If you destroy a free market, you create a black market.
--Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Hebrews 6:10“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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