Monday, May 18, 2015

Knytes Scroll # 7 Just a slight step up from CraigsList


So the other day, got an invite to add a new group to my Facebook pages. Okay, so it was this thing called Evanston Employment ad page , so I thought hey we’ll throw out a bone to the starving on near starving female corpuscles on there that might find sitting in a radio studio and racking in $20.00 for doing so. Okay so out went the bone. So far I find the page just slightly a bit above CraigsList and not much more than that. Granted working for the club, coming to a private home to do work and all may be a bit spooky, but damn it, there has to be enough of a crew here to validate the need for the forking office. If not and I have to keep doing everything here, shute, might as well keep it here at the Eagle’s Nest, aka Wolf’s Den the club house of the Knytes-of Anarchy and Rode Knytes, and save the money. Then there is this exchange between this chick named Mellissa who might be good for the gig, can’t know until we have a face to face, meeting. Some things its either dive in and see if you can swim, or stay cautious and stay on the beach and never get in the water.

Can’t have it both ways, at least as far as HazzardAyre.

I used to put up our ads on CraigsList, but outside of a very few good responses of only two still work for us from there, we got plenty of applicants, but none that could walk into the office in Woods Cross, park her butt in a chair and go on the air. Same thing in Twin Falls, I still say there’s a need for any college or institution of higher learning for people to learn at least broadcast basics. Uncle Jessie and my own Uncle Dell used to tell me sitting and fishing with a bent safety pin, a bit of fishing line and a stick on the banks of Hazzard Creek( Billingsley Creek Hagerman Idaho) in Hazzard, he used to tell me the hay field across the road is only greener until you have to mow it, more over they both would say when your pointing your finger at someone else, your really pointing 3 fingers back at yourself, the words Uncle Jessie would say was, Don’t Bitch, Fix it. Instead of relying on someone to do what ever it was, do it yourself, get involved. I did that back in 1970 and have been battling with stubborn or more stubborn as mules bassackwards mindsets, ever since. The state symbol of Utah is a beehive that stands for being industrious and taking risks to advance in the advancement of ones vocational and educational pursuits. Radio or being on it, might not be for everyone, but since that day at age 7 when the radio bug bit me, outside of the truck cab, or out of the helicopter cockpit, I live inside and live to be on the air, in whatever capacity that may be or require. Granted you may not be the next Howard Stern or even WolfMan Jack , but at least running a radio on air board , will feed and house you. It beats saying , “Want fries with that?” As Beth Ann of CSC Talk Radio says it.

Any mile getting ready to go on air, so Melissa want to get involved, come out tonight and see what this is about.

For the rest of you, tune in at 1;00AM, on



Quote of the Day:
Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.
--Albert Szent–Gyorgyi de Nagyraolt
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

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the way it ought 2b


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